Data Definition for OIICS Code List v201.csv The comma separated value file “OIICS Code List v201.csv” includes a raw data listing of Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System (OIICS) codes for version 2.01 (January 2012) (see the BLS OIICS page at for details). The file contains 3036 data rows with Row 1 being a header row. Each data row represents 1 individual OIICS code. Major OIICS groups are listed sequentially. Each data line represents 5 comma separated columns. Data values: CASE_CODE_TYPE: the 4 major OIICS categories --Bodypart = Part of Body Affected with 218 individual codes --Event = Event or Exposure with 537 individual codes --Nature = Nature of injury or illness with 615 individual codes --Source = Source or Secondary Source of injury or illness with 1665 individual codes CASE_CODE: the numeric OIICS code assigned. Values are 1 to 4 digits ranging from 1 to 9999 CASE_CODE_TITLE: the descriptive title for each OIICS code Hierarchy_level: the classification level within each major group. Each hierarchical classification structure has 4 levels, represented by a 1, 2, 3, or 4 digit numeric code. One-digit codes represent major broad groups and 4-digit codes represent the highest level of detail. The single digit hierarchy level corresponds with the number of digits in the OIICS code and the depth within the OIICS structure. Sort_sequence: the sort order within each major OIICS category. The sort order is a numeric sequence from 1 to the total number of individual codes within an OIICS category. For example, Event codes have a sort sequence value ranging from 1 to 537 that will list the Event codes in a hierarchical fashion from Event code 1 to 9999.